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Showing posts from September, 2018

Best boys party ever?

Like seriously, why do we overthink birthday parties? I mean, I love pinning...ALL. the. things, decorating, and the planning. What I don't like? Actually having to host it, and the cost and in the end I think, "Wow. Did I really need to prep 30 party favors for only 10 kids to show up?" LOL. Please tell me I'm not alone in that? Sooo, I decided this year I would go basic for my son's 10th birthday.  You know boys (and most kids in general), they love dirt, they love water, and most of all? They love play guns. I'll be honest. These days, allowing your kids to play with guns can be a touchy subject, so I decided to set a few ground rules before planning the event. .The biggest?-- Make sure your gun does not look like a real gun. No masks, and have fun.--  Yes, I do plan to provide Nerf guns, but in case I don't have enough, I'm inviting attendees to bring their own. So, where to start with the planning? I'm making reservations at our local ci...

Magnolia: 50% off Select Items!

Now through Sept 5th, welcome Fall with up to 50% off select items at Magnolia with their September Sale! Here's a few items that caught my eye! Essential Blackboard- just $10.50 and those adorable goat salt and pepper shakers- just $3.50 after code 'SEPTEMBERSALE'   ...and this awesome coffee mug rack because I have an abundance of them (cactus shaped ones, ones with brass knuckles, clear and vintage ones, ones with sayings, and so much more!) and need a better way to organize them. This is way better than to have them stuffed in my cabinet. lol