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Hey, Hey, Hey! So this week has been kind of a crazy one. First I went and started a Facebook Page for locals to find budget saving tips, online and in-store deals, and a go-to to find out more about local businesses and happenings....a thesaurus of what-have-you for families. And now I want to start if I need another hobby to add to my already hectic schedule. LOL.

Ah, family. Let me stop real quick and introduce mine.
There's Donnie, my car loving, hobbyist husband who has 8 years on me. We've been together for nearly 16 years-- being married going on 15 of those. We've been through it all. Love, Military, deployments, births, overseas contracting, near death experiences, euphoria, depression, unemployment, pets, crappy jobs, stronger love, unemployment, more jobs, caregiver, cruddy employers, God, long distance relationship, cars, travel, do it yourself-ers, arguments, couponing, great jobs, temporary jobs, near foreclosure, near divorce, forgiveness,  more births, more pets, self employment, dog bites, and so much more.

Isabel, is our 13 year old soon to be high schooler. She's always been timid, loving, caring, and so very loved. I'd say spoiled because she is always getting the things she usually wants....but not in the bratty way. lol. More like it's hard to tell her no kinda way. At the end of 3rd grade, she was diagnosed with dyslexia. She's been making steady progress and were so proud of her!

Isaac, our husky, hell of a smart, 9 year old is our "love child." I say that because of all our 3 children, he's our planned baby. Our relationship was great, jobs and money were good, he was as healthy as can be. Who thought you could really plan the right time to have a kid? LOL. 

Austin, our youngest at 8 years old.  He came into the world as our tiniest at 4 lbs, 15 oz. There's so many stories with this one. He's definitely our most outgoing, athletic, and most stubborn one....and he's also the sweetest. 

 Well, that's the main family (that's us, this past Christmas 2017)....and I haven't even introduced the fur and feathered kids, the extended family, or the assorted children I care for that will probably mentioned from time to time. 

To be honest, I don't know where I'm going with this blog. It was originally intended as an extension of that facebook page, but now maybe it's just about our crazy, although sometimes lack-luster life as the Hull-igans with a little bit of everything mixed in? 

Like what you've read so far?  I'd love to hear from you!  Leave a comment below.


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