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Life as a Hull

Oh my goodness. It's been a crazy start to the week, what about you?

Mine started with allergy overload with the weather bringing a storm, high winds, small bits of hail (in our area), and all the extra pollen in on Friday. Then we had a situation with one of our neighbors (who recently moved in) having a domestic dispute (for the second time this week, involving a weapon going off). We have been in our home for over 14 years, and this is the first time I have ever felt uneasy and unsafe in our neighborhood.

Saturday, the family headed out to a local Health & Wellness Event held by Killeen ISD, where even won a waterslide from one of the raffle drawings! My husband swears I always leave winning something at these kinds of things, but really the biggest advantage I have of winning is just by actually attending. lol.

On the way home, we stopped to see the Budweiser Clydesdales, which were magnificient! [Be sure to to see if they're coming to your area here.] By the time we got home, allergies had really hit me hard, so I took half of an allergy tablet and ended up falling asleep....missing my nephew's 16th birthday get together. :/

Next day (Sunday), my nose was full-on drip mode. I couldn't even y'all. I attempted to go to church, but my eyes were so heavy from that "non-drowsy" allergy medicine, I had to go home to get rest. And that I did....I ended up sleeping the whole Sunday away changing tissues that was pushed ever-so-slightly up each nostril to keep them from dripping snot all over my face while I slept. At some point I realized my husband wasn't back from working on his car, so I had the kids make sandwiches because the Crock-Pot Pulled Pork I was making for dinner, didn't finish cooking on time because as I mentioned before, I had fallen asleep and didn't put it in early enough. :(

Well, Monday comes and I am feeling so much better. Unfortunately, on the way to pick up the kids from clubs, school, and my mom's house, my car decided to "get sick" ( 2008 GMC Acadia has been nothing but a paid-off money pit) and overheated on me. My mom wasn't answering her phone, and I couldn't call the hubs to save me because he had just started working night-shift at his work, and there was no water or convenience store close enough to stop at. I mean I could've called USAA Roadside Assistance, but I was literally 1.5 miles from my Mom's house. Luckily, it wasn't crazy weather outside, so after she had already been waiting 45 minutes for me, I had my daughter walk to my mom's (which she has to cross under a highway bridge and I wasn't to excited about). And I, along with the kids I had in the car, just waited for the car to cool down and carefully drifted to my mom's. I ended up leaving the car there and just having my Mom drop us off at home.

Which leads me to today, which wasn't too bad. My husband took the kids to school while I stayed home with the little guy I care for. And after the hubs got some rest, we bought parts and went to fix my car. Anyways, I always feel that at this time of year, things that can go wrong, somehow will. I  mean here, things are trivial...but it's about this time of year when things go from money saved, abundance and blessings, to a full 180 because we run in to financial issues because of unexpected bills, car and home expenses, family deaths, injuries, and so on. Ehh, but that's just life right? I know I'm in serious need of some pampering, so that's what I shall do :D
